Fasting is abstaining from the earthly to open up the heavenly. You could set aside anything that draws your attention or affection, and spend that time with God in His word and prayer. This could be certain foods, entertainment, devices, or hobbies. Give up something that will challenge you and allow you to draw your focus toward the person of Christ and His presence. We encourage you to join us in a devoted 21 day fast.
Prayer Guide
What would your Spiritual Growth mean to those around you? If 2025 was a year of growth for you, how would the world around you be impacted? Our prayer is that God would lead you into a deep, personal relationship with Himself. That you would open your Bible and the words of the page would be embedded in your heart, causing you to grow into the person God wants you to be.
What areas of your life are dead or dormant? What portions of your life need the breath of God? In what ways are you needing God to reignite you again? Our heart is that God would fill you with His Spirit, and breathe life into you again. That He would restore what has been lost and reawaken you to a vibrant relationship with Himself. That He would empower you to live for Him with more passion and obedience than ever before.
There are people in your life who do not know God. God has specifically positioned you to be His messenger. Our prayer is that God would give you the boldness to live out your faith publicly, and begin to share the Gospel of grace with the people that God is sending you to. Be intentional in your interactions. God desires to use you to reach the people around you every day.
Prayer Gathering
Every Tuesday | 6:30pm
Both Campuses